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Travel PCR
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Tomorrow 09:00 AM -
PCR Test
Tomorrow 09:00 AM
Appointment at Liberty Mall Dayton
Each experience in the context of COVID-19 is incomparable. Our team of proficient clinicians are working on creating a personalized care plan that makes good sense for every single patient’s requirements.
Our personalized care enable you to:
- Antigen
- Rapid PCR (Travel)
Rapid antigen tests are viral tests, which test for active infection.
PCR is a test for viral nuclear material. The traditional PCR is more sensitive than rapid antigen but more expensive and takes 24 hours to get results.
Rapid PCR (Travel)
We offer rapid RT-PCR which can be reported in 1-2 hours. This is used for all travel purposes including air travel.
* Rapid PCR (Travel) is chargeable
VCare's Urgent and Primary Care for You & Your Family
Rapid antigen tests must be done at the right time to ensure accuracy. The ideal time to test is day five after onset of symptoms or exposure to known Covid. One or two days of runny nose will not give a positive rapid antigen. PCR will turn positive in one or two days but may remain positive for 30 or more days. After 10 days the vast majority of Covid patient are noninfectious and feel well. Immunocompromised people may remain sick longer.
Covid-19: Negative - Patient Care
- The results were negative and believed to be true negative. Recommend no follow-up unless sick.
- The results were negative but there is a chance of a false negative due to the timing of the test being too early or the characteristics of the test. Repeat testing in a few days or if symptoms develop or confirm with PCR.
Covid-19: Positive - Patient Care
- The results were positive. The patient has active Covid. They must isolate themselves from the day of a positive test for at least 5 days. After 5 days, if well, can stop isolation. For the remaining five days remain masked. If they live in a home with a partner, they must use a separate bathroom and bedroom, wear masks, separate, keep the house ventilated. If family members are not immunized, they should get tested immediately. If immunized wait five days. Vaccinated family members need not quarantine but get tested in five days and remain masked for total of 14 days. After 5 days if the patient is without fever and feels well may return to work. No repeat testing is needed. This does not apply to immunocompromised patients. Warning signs requiring hospital assessment include blue lips, trouble breathing, severe chest pain, delirium, high fever for several days not responsive to Tylenol, ibuprofen, or Aspirin.
Note: Anyone who has had active covid or a positive PCR does not need retesting for three months unless they develop definite Covid symptoms again..